Installations – Constructions, 18/03/2004 – 24/04/2004

On Thursday, 18 March 2004 at 8.00pm Maria Dimitriadi presents the latest work of Stergios Stamos

Stergios Stamos is showing his work at Medusa art gallery for the second time. This is his tenth solo exhibition.
The chief characteristic of this unity is the inscription of texts on canvas, where designs, other materials or even light exist, commenting this way on each particular text. Texts by Stephen Hawkins’s “Brief History of Time”, Socrates’ Plea and poems by T. S. Eliot is the motive of this work. He uses aluminium, neon or fluorescent light, computer writing, and Plexiglas on both his installations and paintings. “Socrates’ Plea” is rendered this way, as well as a construction composed of illuminated metal columns , which represented our country in a touring exhibition in Italy, Spain and Belgium.
Finally there are four paintings and a triptych construction created by reason of T. S. Eliot’s poems. Passion, irony, time, love, death, human nature and destiny, are some of T. S. Eliot’s issues which Stamos has tried to express through gestures, black colour, successive writing, and hulf-effaced inscriptions.

Duration of the exhibition : 18 March 2004 – 24 April 2004