OBLIVION REVOKED , 06/03/2008 – 03/052008

On Thursday, March 6, 2008, at 8 in the evening, Maria Demetriades will present the latest work of Voula Massoura at the Medusa Art Gallery.
Though in the presentation of works from 2003 the present, scored by memories, struggled to withstand the violence of deterioration, with the artist serving as guide in regard to the processes involved in the abolition of time, in 2007n Voula Massoura has returned and is now seeking to revoke oblivion.
She has returned “in order to challenge time at its final boundaries, at its terminal horizon, where allied to entropy, it is revealed as waste, loss and absence,”.Oblivion will be revoked, or it will not, when through our repudiation of the word’s noise and its iconolatry, we give ourselves fully to the creative inwardness of Voula Massoura, to her captivating poetic faith and the devoutness with which her works salvage what has been crushed by History in general and the individual histories of each of us specifically, and was permitted thus to accumulate within us, bearing darkness with it.
The fragments that go into these works, and presenting such an original and stirring contemporaneity, endeavor to stem the spread of this darkness. The arrival of light continues to be the hope-bearing relationship fostered between time and their dreaminess.
In addition, in June 2008, Voula Massoura will present a retrospective of her work, 1985-2005, at the Rhodes Gallery, in the Museum of Modern Greek Art, in cooperation with the Medusa Art Gallery.

Duration: 6 March – 3 May 2008